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What is epilepsy?

Epilepsy is a neurological disorder that causes repeated seizures among people go all ages. 

Epilepsy in Pakistan

Epilepsy is one of the most common neurological disorders requiring treatments and drugs. According to The World Health Organization (WHO), epilepsy is one of those serious brain disorders that affect not only the individual but has a deep impact on the family and society in general. Approximately 50 million people are affected with epilepsy around the world, though epidemiological studies do not exist for Pakistan. It  is estimated that the prevalence of epilepsy is 9.99/1000. Highest prevalence is seen in people younger than 30 years of age, about 2 million people and 1/10th of the world have epilepsy is in Pakistan! The guidelines available in developed countries are gauged in a setting where epilepsy care is provided by epileptologists/neurologists. In Pakistan the situation is different, there is only one neurologist for 1.4 million (14lac) population contrast to US where one neurologist for 26 thousand people 29. So there is a very desperate and neseccary need to adapt to alternate guidelines with strategies to provide epilepsy management at a primary care level and to standardize epilepsy care on a National level.

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Treatments include:
- medicines called anti-epileptic drugs (AEDs)
- surgery to remove a small part of the brain that's causing the seizures
- a procedure to put a small electrical device inside the body that can help control seizures
- a special diet (ketogenic diet) that can help control seizures
Some people need treatment for life, but in certain situations for some people, seizures can go away in time.
You may not need any treatment if you know your seizure triggers and are able to recognize and avoid them.
Talk to your specialist about the treatments available and which might be best for you.

Epilepsy is a widespread neurological disorder that affects around 50 million people worldwide. It involves disruptions in the brain's electrical signals, which can alter physical and behavioral activities and impact consciousness, leading to seizures.


to help our friends at NEC finish building the center for enough room and facilities for patients with epilepsy. ​

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